Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Review: The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia by Michael Booth

Now that does seem like a very unfair score but when I don't finish a book I can't justify more than 1 star. I did get halfway through this and it was interesting and funny, the problem was that the subject being tackled was hugely broad and this just felt like a rambling journey and one man's opinion of Scandinavia (Booth does live in Denmark but he is not actually Danish). Non-fiction that isn't historical doesn't tend to hold my interest for long so he should be applauded for getting me to page 187 before giving up, perhaps I just needed more Vikings!

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Review: Thirteenth Night by Alan Gordon

This wasn't badly written and it was moving along at an alright pace, it just didn't grab me, what's the point in making myself read something when my to read list has lots of books on it I know I would rather be spending my time on. Personal taste not a reflection on the book at all.